Studies in the last few years have shown that the best way to prevent gout attacks is to lose weight.

Obesity has long been known to be a risk factor for gout — but newer studies show that it is much more important than was once thought.

In a study that evaluated more than 47,000 middle-aged men for 12 years, it was found that the heavier the men were than the greater the risk of gout.   And those who reduced their weight dramatically cut their risk of gout.
The greater the weight gain, the greater the risk of gout occurring.

Men who gained at least thirty pounds since they were 21 had twice the risk of developing gout compared to men who did not gain weight.

The authors of the study reported that “weight loss greater than 10 pounds since the beginning of the study was associated with a substantially reduced risk of gout,”

Gout is a common problem that we treat in our Seattle Foot and Ankle clinic.  We have detailed information on our website on gout and on the effects of obesity on the feet.

Archives of Internal Medicine, 2005

Dr. Douglas S. Hale

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2 thoughts on “Treat Gout by Losing Weight – Seattle Podiatrist

  1. I am about 20 pounds overweight, and I am looking to get started on a weight loss program. I want to start by concentrating on diet only, and then add some form of exercise. Since I have gout, it is sometimes painful on my legs to exercise in a traditional manner, so I prefer to stay off my feet. But I still need to get some kind of workout. 2 questions: What kind of diet should I go with? And What kind of exercises should I get into? Thanks.

    1. First thing to do is to talk to your primary care doctor about a weight loss program. He or she can give you good information about a diet. We also highly recommend talking to a registered dietitian. These specialists can work with you to come up with the proper diet. Many will even go to the supermarket with you to review how to buy foods that are good for you. If you have trouble working out because your feet hurt, try the hints found on this page. If you don’t have relief within two or three weeks, see a podiatrist.

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